
what causes diarrhea in dogs ? Diarrhea causes and treatment



What causes diarrhea in dogs?

Diarrhea in dogs is a symptom, not a disease. It is loose stool that lasts more than two days.

It is a result of the movement of the intestine faster than normal which leads to decrees amount of reabsorbed water, electrolyte, and nutrient.

When should I be worried about my dog's diarrhea?

      The severity of diarrhea depends on the time at which it last and if there are any other signs. If there is bloody diarrhea with general weakness, abdominal pain vomiting, and loss of appetite or it is accompanied by dehydration, you should worry and take your dog to a veterinarian. The veterinarian will ask you to bring a fresh fecal sample with you for examination.

Diarrhea causes:

      Many diseases can cause diarrhea, but it can take a variety of forms depending on the disease. Sometimes it is associated with mucus or blood. These diseases may be bacterial, viral, parasitic, or caused by dietary indiscretions.

Bacterial causes of diarrhea in dogs :

Some of these bacteria can be transmitted to humans from their dogs.

      Campylobacter can be isolated from diseased and apparently healthy dogs (act as a carrier). Humans can be infected with these bacteria. It is transmitted by contaminated food (undercooked poultry) and water.

Diarrhea characterization:

Mucous watery diarrhea with or without blood may last for more than two weeks. In some cases, intermittent diarrhea may continue for months. It becomes severe for puppies. In a pregnant mare, it causes her to miscarry her unborn puppies. Fever may be present.

      Helicobacter pylori bacteria present in humans and dogs. Until now, it is unknown if their presence could be a predisposing factor to inflammatory bowel disease, food allergies, or cancer.

      Salmonella presents frequently in dogs. It causes inflammation of the intestine and in some cases may progress to severe blood poisoning. In a pregnant bitch, it causes her to miscarry her unborn puppies. Some cases are apparently healthy and are considered carriers of disease.

Diarrhea characterization: sudden diarrhea and blood poisoning.

      Clostridium piliforme which causes Tyzzer disease. It rarely presents in dogs. The bacteria infect intestinal cells, liver cells, and cardiac cells. Clinical signs include:      

  • Decreased activity.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Jaundice.  
  • Fever, and diarrhea. 
  • Convulsions and coma occur before death. 

Viruses cause diarrhea in dogs:

There are many viruses that can cause diarrhea in dogs, including:

1- Canine parvovirus type 1 (CPV-1) : It was considered nonpathogenic for dogs for a long time. Recent studies have shown a possible role for CPV-1 in reproductive problems and intestinal infections. It can be transmitted from pregnant females to their puppies. It may cause abortion and fetal death. Myocarditis also appears after CPV-1 infection especially in the first week after birth. CPV-1 usually infects neonatal puppies by the oro-nasal route. It may cause small lesions in the small intestines. 

2- Canine parvovirus type 2 (CPV-2): which causes severe bloody diarrhea in dogs, vomiting, myocarditis, and generalized disease in young puppies that may lead to death.

3-Canine Coronavirus: diarrhea ranges from moderate to severe.  

4- Canine distemper virus (CDV): the incubation period ranges from 3 to 6 days. The acute early phase is characterized by biphasic fever and depression. It affects not only the respiratory, digestive, and nervous systems but also the lymphatic system and the skin. Respiratory symptoms include nasal and ocular discharge, conjunctivitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, coughing as well as pneumonia and pleuritis in complicated cases. Digestive clinical signs are characterized by vomiting, anorexia, and severe watery diarrhea which may lead to dehydration of the dog before the appearance of nervous signs and death.

5- Canine adenoviruses (CAV-1 and -2): also known as infectious canine hepatitis. Clinical symptoms are vomiting, bloody diarrhea, abdominal pain, hemorrhages on the oral mucosa and intestinal wall, neurological symptoms, jaundice, anorexia, depression, leukopenia, and fever. 

6-Canine rotavirus: clinical symptoms like watery diarrhea ( yellow in color), and rapid dehydration. It may lead to the death of newborn puppies. 

7-Canine calicivirus: associated with fatal diarrhea.

8-Canine astrovirus: it was detected in dogs with or without diarrhea. In addition, it was detected in children suffering from digestive system inflammation.

Parasitical causes of diarrhea in dogs

Parasites can cause diarrhea in dogs, including:

coccidia: Infection with coccidia usually results in diarrhea; however, most cases do not show any clinical symptoms. The infection is considered a transient condition when the coccidial oocysts are presented in the fecal matter of a dog without diarrhea.

Intestinal worm: clinical symptoms of worms in dogs include diarrhea, blood in stool (either bright red or dark purple), vomiting, abdominal pain, pot-bellied appearance, weight loss, poor coat appearance, lethargy, deficiencies in nutrition, anemia, dehydration, intestinal blockage, and pneumonia. 

Diagnosis of diarrhea in dogs:

Microscopic examination of fecal sample, X-rays to find if there is any abnormality in the intestine, blood examination, making culture from the fecal sample or DNA tests, ultrasound, biopsies of the intestinal tract, endoscopy.

Treatment of diarrhea in dogs:

     In case of simple acute diarrhea in adults, the veterinarian will start with conservative approach insteada of an in-depth diagnostic workup. For conservative treatment, food should be stopped for 12-24 hours or small amounts of a soft and simple digested diet should be given at frequent intervals at further intervals over the course of the day.  Also, it should contain prebiotic fibers which improve intestinal tract action. Water should be given all the time to avoid dehydration. As a result of this initial treatment, the body is able to recover. When dog stool becomes normal, the dog can return to its previous food gradually by mixing it with a conservative diet. 

      Some medications may be prescribed by veterinarians such as Antidiarrheal agents, dewormers, and or probiotics (bacteria that support intestinal health). The veterinarian will determine which antibiotic is appropriate for treatment. Some cases may need intravenous fluid therapy. Unfortunately, dogs may remain carriers of the bacteria in some cases.  

Metronidazole (brand name Flagyl®) and tylosin (brand name Tylan®) are usually used as anti-diarrheal agents that reduce inflammation of the intestine which usually causes diarrhea. Panacur®, Drontal®, and Dolpac® are all used as dewormers. 

The prognosis for diarrhea:

       It varies according to the severity of diarrhea and the response of the dog to treatment. In simple diarrhea, most patients will recover. In case of chronic diarrhea, it will need dietary management or medication to bring the disease under control.


Toxoplasma gondi and toxoplasmosis in pregnancy

cat and baby

Toxoplasmosis in pregnancy

Toxoplasmosis is a zonootic  disease results from toxoplasma gondi infection.It is a parasite not bacteria which presents in cat fecal matter .Domestic cats and other felids are the definitive hosts (DHs). All non-feline animals, including dogs and humans, are intermediate hosts (IHs). Also it may present in contaminated meat and water and presents world wide.

Toxoplasma gondi:

Toxoplasma gondi is one unicellular parasite (protozoa).It is practically infect warm blooded animals .But cats are known as host that parasite make its sexual reproduction.

Toxoplasmosis in humans:

There are three types of infection:

1-Acute toxoplasmosis in humans:

Some cases are asymptomatic .But people who develop the symptoms show:
  • Headache 
  • Fever
  • Fatigue
  • Swollen lymph nod 
  • Muscle aches
These symptoms may last for 1 month or more.Individuals with weak immunity suffer from:
  • Seizures 
  • Lung problem 
  • Confusion
  • Poor coordination
  • Blurred vision (sever inflammation of retina due to toxoplasmosis eye)

2-Latent toxoplasmosis in humans:

Because of no or mild symptoms (flu like symptoms )of toxoplasma gondi ,the disease may enter a latent phase that tissue cyst are present .The infection happens in retinas (toxoplasmosis eye ) ,lung, heart , central nervous system ( in brain and preset for human life ) and skeletal muscle.

3-Cutaneous toxoplasmosis in humans:

This type seldom happens.But it appears in acquired infection.It appears as  roseola and erythema multiforme-like eruptions, prurigo-like nodules, urticaria, and maculopapular lesions.Newborns may have punctate maculesecchymoses, or "blueberry muffin" lesions. 

Toxoplasmosis in pregnancy:

Toxoplasma infection before pregnancy has few or no danger to baby except in case of infection three months before conception .

Toxoplasma can cause many defects in fetus such as :
  • Hydrocephalus.
  • Microcephaly. 
  • Intracranial calcifications.
  • Retinochoroiditis.
  • Strabismus.
  • Blindness. 
  • Epilepsy.
  • Psychomotor and mental retardation.
  • Petechiae due to thrombocytopenia.
  • Anemia.

Toxoplasmosis in early pregnancy causes a small risk for baby transmission (less than 6%), rates of transmission range from 60% to 81% in 3rd trimester.

T gondii transmission through breastfeeding or from man to man has no evidence.

Toxoplasmosis in dogs:

Dogs mostly suffer from toxoplasmosis as a secondary disease.Most cases related to immunodeficiency and absence of vaccination against canine distemper virus. Toxoplasmosis symptoms appear as neurological signs including :
  • Seizures
  • Cranial nerve deficits
  • Tremors
  • Ataxia
  • Paresis or paralysis within encephalomyelitis.
Paraparesis which proceeds to lower motor neuron paralysis and nodules in the spinal cord that also happen in Sarcocystis neurona
Other symptoms are reported such as :
  • Noise sensitivity.
  • Myositis.
  • Ocular disease described as necrotizing conjunctivitis.
  • Anterior uveitis. 
  • Endophthalmitis.
  •  Chorioretinitis. 

Cutaneous toxoplasmosis in dogs:

In general, it related to corticoid therapy and transplantation. The infection appeared as erythematous epidermal nodules, pyogranulomatous and necrotizing dermatitis, and panniculitis, with multifocal vasculitis and vascular thrombosis. 
Toxoplasma infection in cats more sever in case of vertical transmission .It progresses to pneumonia, and encephalitis   hepatitis or cholangiohepatitis,  and  other symptoms appear such as :
  • Ascites. 
  • Lethargy. 
  • Dyspnea.
  • Extra-intestinal enteritis. 
  • Inflammatory intestinal disease.
  • Thickening of the gastric wall due to eosinophilic fibrosing gastritis.
  • Regional lymphadenopathy.
In adults, there are no clinical symptoms appear.In case of generalized infection of toxoplasma gondi pneumonia appears . Acute respiratory distress syndrome and septic shock may happen.
Toxoplasmosis eye  observed in cats with no generalized clinical symptoms.But other symptoms appeared like :
  • Aqueous flare.
  • Keratic precipitate. 
  • Lens luxation.
  • Glaucoma. 
  • Retinal detachment 
Some diseases happen in low frequant like :
  •  Myocarditis with echocardiographic changes.
  •  Diarrhea with oocysts.
  •  Pyogranulomatous cystitis after renal transplantation.

Toxoplasmosis diagnosis:

when the doctor suspect toxoplasma infection ,he will make a serological test (blood test ) to looking for antibodies for toxoplasma.These antibodies appear after infection or foreign material enter the body. These antibodies are specific to the type of infection .So doctors can determine toxoplasmosis infection from antibodies. 

Toxoplasma gondi test result:

In some cases false negative result appears.In this case the patient is in early stage of infection and antibodies don't appear yet so the doctor may ask you to repeat the test several weeks later.

In case of positive result , this means that you are actively infected with toxoplasma .Also, it may mean that you have infected with toxoplasma before and this antibodies from previous infection.

Testing your baby:

Pregnant woman with toxoplasmosis infection can check her baby to know if he also infected or not . Tests including:


This test has done safely after fifteen weeks of pregnancy, the doctor uses a fine needle to remove a small amount of fluid from the fluid-filled sac that surrounds the fetus (amniotic sac). This fluid is checked for presence of toxoplasmosis. Amniocentesis carries a slight risk of miscarriage and minor complications, such as cramping, leaking fluid or irritation where the needle was inserted.

Ultrasound scan:
This test uses to detect any abnormality in fetus.

Treatment of toxoplasmosis:

Treatment will be different in case of pregnancy according to whether your baby infected or not.Mostly he will prescribe antibiotic according to your case . Spiramycin is an antibiotic which mostly recommended in the 1st and early 2nd trimester. A combination of pyrimethamine/sulfadiazine and leucovorin is mostly recommended within the late 2nd and 3rd trimesters.

If your baby has toxoplasmosis during pregnancy , pyrimethamine and sulfadiazine may be considered as a treatment. But they have significant side effects on pregnant and the baby and are used only as a last resort. 

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Salmonella Typhimurium and food poisoning



Salmonella definition:

Salmonella is a microorganism that causes different diseases according to salmonella type. salmonella is gram-negative rod-shaped, motile nonspore forming bacteria. salmonella is divided into two species Salmonella enterica and Salmonella bongori, six subspecies, and over 2600 serotype. Genus Salmonella is of the Enterobacteriaceae family.

Salmonella Typhimurium and Salmonella Enteritidis can infect humans and commonly found in poultry. Salmonella Typhimurium infects the gastrointestinal tract of poultry and other animals causing damage in the intestine and also enter to liver and spleen.

Salmonella toxins are enterotoxins and heat-stable cytotoxin which causes destruction in the intestinal wall and affect the intestinal permeability and that is why diarrhea happens in salmonella infection. Other serotypes that are most prevalent in individual situations include S. Heidelberg in broilers, broiler breeders, and turkeys in Canada , layers in the USA , and turkeys in Denmark.

What is Salmonella poisoning?

Salmonella poisoning is an infection of salmonella by the oral route . Some strains of salmonella cause outbreaks like Salmonella Heidelberg. Salmonella Heidelberg can cause an outbreak from unpasteurized milk and scientists found that the milk was from cows that have mastitis disease. 

Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium:

This pathogen can cause infection in digestive system .it transmit by orofecal rout .the infection starts with swallowing infected food with Salmonella Typhimurim then salmonella invade intestinal cells and aggregates in lymphoid cells. In this stage salmonella secret toxins like flagellin and  type 3 secretinin system that help in destroying commensal bacteria and initiate inflammation. the most important virulance factor in Salmonella Typhimurim  is drug resistant factor  other factors like  Vi antigen, many surface polysaccharides, and flagella also present.

Salmonella poisoning is more prevalence in summer because of the presence of food out of the refrigerator in addition to high temperature is very suitable environment for salmonella growth.

 Salmonella poisoning:

salmonella symptoms : 

The appearance of salmonella  poisoning symptoms  take from hours to a week and continue for from four days to a week. these signs include fever, diarrhea, stomach cramps, vomiting, nausea, and headache.

Source of Salmonella poisoning outbreak:

Animal products, poultry products, fruits, and vegetables are very important sources of infection but overheat destroy bacteria. But live animals and birds act as a carrier for bacteria so using suitable disinfectant play an important role in reducing and preventing salmonella outbreak.

Salmonella poisoning outbreak case study:

In the united kingdom, it is difficult to recognize to all cases but the case has been studied and showed that the food poisoning associated with consuming fresh shell eggs, egg products, and pre-cooked hot chicken but this study was general including homemade food and delivery food . In another case that was about S. Typhimurium DT104 showed that hone made chicken was less contaminated than delivery food so scientists think that contamination occurs during handling the outdoor food and it plays important role in infection and poisoning 

Salmonella poisoning treatment:

Salmonella treatment using medication according to symptoms. Because salmonella causes diarrhea which causing dehydration, the first step of treatment is fluid therapy and electrolytes. Also, anti-diarrheal drugs and antibiotics used in salmonella treatment.  

People at risk:

Children are more susceptible than adults and people who have a weak immune system are more susceptible also.

To avoid salmonella poisoning you should follow these four steps:

First, you should wash your hand and your cooking utensils with water and soap well.

Second, be sure that your raw food away from your cooked food to infection.

Third, cook your food well in temperature above 165 F.

And finally, keep your food in a refrigerator. 

If you are interested in microbiology courses you can start with this course Microbiology for beginners 


Strept throat ( streptococcus pyogenes)

infected child
Strept throat

Causative agent of strept throat:

Pharyngitis is caused by wide range of causative agents and bacterial infection represents 30% of them .These bacteria such as Neisseria gonorrhoeae ,Arcanobacterium haemolyticum but streptococci  are the most dominant one including streptococci group A and  streptococcus pyogenes According to study published in 2014 ,strept throat is caused by streptococcus pyogenes.

Strept throat symptoms:

Throat pain and may associated with difficulty in swallowing.
Moderate fever
Body ache
Abdominal pain
Tonsils inflammation and may covered by grey white membrane and exudate(pus).

The infection may extend to sinus ,skin,middle ear or blood and also  may cause   inflammatory reactions in different organs such as kidney ,joints causing artheritis or rheumatic fever which affect different organs including heart ,nervous system ,joints and skin.

Strept throat complications:

Leaving strept throat without proper treatment in children may lead to toxic shock -like syndrome due to bacteremia (presence of bacteria in blood ).

Strept throat transmission:

It is a contiguous disease.It transmits by:

1-Respiration of infected droplets from sneezing,coughing of infected person .
2-Eating or drinking after infected one .
3-Touching of skin sores infected by streptococcus.

People at risk:

Strept throat is most common between children from 5 to 15 years old and rare below 3 years old .In adult mostly found in those contact to children.

Diagnosis and treatment of strept throat:

The doctor will check your throat and make a rapid test ( streptococcal screening test).This test will take 10 minutes .If the result becomes positive ,the doctor will ask you to drink warm fluids and he will write antibiotic course .This will take from 5 to 7 days .But if the result becomes negative you will need to make a throat culture.

Prevention and control of strept throat:

Proper washing of your hand at least for 20 minutes or use alcohol.
Use a tissue during cough and sneezing 
Don't use utensils of infected person without proper washing 


Until now there isn't vaccine to group A streptococcus. 


Mostly ,people shouldn't receive antibiotics if they contact with infected persons but in some case they should receive prophylaxis treatment.

Differential diagnosis:

Other causes may cause sore throat such as :
Viral infection 
Common cold 
Acid reflux
Sinus infection 

If you are interested in microbiology courses you can start with this course Microbiology for beginners 


Hantavirus / Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS)

deer mouse


Hantavirus is a single-strand negative-sense RNA virus that belonged to the Hantaviridae family order Bunyavirales. Hantavirus is an enveloped virus transmitted by rats and mice(rodents) saliva, fecal matter and urine to human .
It has been found that two types of diseases are often transmitted to human hantavirus hemorrhagic fever, hantavirus pulmonary syndrome. Hantavirus name referred to the Hantan river area in South Korea where associated early happening was discovered.

Hantavirus hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome ( Korean hemorrhagic fever) :

Hantavirus hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome caused by Hantaan  
virus that appeared in eastern Asia, Puumala virus that appeared in western Europe, and western Russia, Dobrava virus that appeared in the Balkans, Saaremaa that appeared in central Europe and Scandinavia and Seoul virus appeared in the whole world .

 Its symptoms take from one to eight weeks to appear and appear suddenly including strong headache, fever, nausea, back and abdominal pain, blurred vision, and chill. In some cases, flushing of the face and reddens of the eye occur.
Rodents act as a carrier for this disease and transmission from man to man seldom happened.

The case fatality rate of Hantavirus hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome:

According to causative agent .It ranges from 1% to 15 % in  case of the Hantaan virus and below 1% in case of the Puumala virus.

Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome:

Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome or HPS appeared in North, Central and South America. Preliminary symptoms are similar to several diseases. These symptoms include muscle  ache, fatigue, and fever but then it causes cough, chest pain associated with severe pulmonary disease and accumulation of fluid in the lung. Hantavirus   pulmonary  syndrome caused a pandemic in 1993 in the Four Corners region of the Southwestern USA. In 2012 another outbreak occurred at Yosemite NationalPark because of  kind of mice known as deer mice. The case fatality rate of this type is about 38%.

Hantavirus isn't a contagious disease. It transmits only by rodent and doesn't transmit from man to man . The previous outbreaks associated with rodent infestation.

Pets ( dogs and cats ) and Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome:

Pets can't transmit hantavirus. Infection transmits only by certain kinds of rodent however pets will cause infection if they catch rodents and get them into the house.

Treatment and vaccination of Hantavirus :

At the beginning of the disease, it will be difficult to be recognized because  HPS symptoms are similar to other diseases like influenza. In the late stage, the patient will be compelled to enter the intensive care unit to get oxygen therapy .Until now, there's not any vaccine for hantavirus diseases.

Prevention and control of Hantavirus:

By controlling of carrier and reservoir (rodent) 
Continuous cleaning of closed places and buildings. 
Campers and hikers ought to beware and avoid contacting urine, fecal matter and saliva of rodents. Many people who have contracted with HPS reported that they had not seen rodents or their fecal matter before becoming sick. Therefore, if you live in a region wherever the carrier rodents, like the deer mouse, are familiar to live, take high precautions,even if you don't see rodents or their fecal matter.

If you are interested in microbiology courses you can start with this course Microbiology for beginners