
Salmonella Typhimurium and food poisoning



Salmonella definition:

Salmonella is a microorganism that causes different diseases according to salmonella type. salmonella is gram-negative rod-shaped, motile nonspore forming bacteria. salmonella is divided into two species Salmonella enterica and Salmonella bongori, six subspecies, and over 2600 serotype. Genus Salmonella is of the Enterobacteriaceae family.

Salmonella Typhimurium and Salmonella Enteritidis can infect humans and commonly found in poultry. Salmonella Typhimurium infects the gastrointestinal tract of poultry and other animals causing damage in the intestine and also enter to liver and spleen.

Salmonella toxins are enterotoxins and heat-stable cytotoxin which causes destruction in the intestinal wall and affect the intestinal permeability and that is why diarrhea happens in salmonella infection. Other serotypes that are most prevalent in individual situations include S. Heidelberg in broilers, broiler breeders, and turkeys in Canada , layers in the USA , and turkeys in Denmark.

What is Salmonella poisoning?

Salmonella poisoning is an infection of salmonella by the oral route . Some strains of salmonella cause outbreaks like Salmonella Heidelberg. Salmonella Heidelberg can cause an outbreak from unpasteurized milk and scientists found that the milk was from cows that have mastitis disease. 

Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium:

This pathogen can cause infection in digestive system .it transmit by orofecal rout .the infection starts with swallowing infected food with Salmonella Typhimurim then salmonella invade intestinal cells and aggregates in lymphoid cells. In this stage salmonella secret toxins like flagellin and  type 3 secretinin system that help in destroying commensal bacteria and initiate inflammation. the most important virulance factor in Salmonella Typhimurim  is drug resistant factor  other factors like  Vi antigen, many surface polysaccharides, and flagella also present.

Salmonella poisoning is more prevalence in summer because of the presence of food out of the refrigerator in addition to high temperature is very suitable environment for salmonella growth.

 Salmonella poisoning:

salmonella symptoms : 

The appearance of salmonella  poisoning symptoms  take from hours to a week and continue for from four days to a week. these signs include fever, diarrhea, stomach cramps, vomiting, nausea, and headache.

Source of Salmonella poisoning outbreak:

Animal products, poultry products, fruits, and vegetables are very important sources of infection but overheat destroy bacteria. But live animals and birds act as a carrier for bacteria so using suitable disinfectant play an important role in reducing and preventing salmonella outbreak.

Salmonella poisoning outbreak case study:

In the united kingdom, it is difficult to recognize to all cases but the case has been studied and showed that the food poisoning associated with consuming fresh shell eggs, egg products, and pre-cooked hot chicken but this study was general including homemade food and delivery food . In another case that was about S. Typhimurium DT104 showed that hone made chicken was less contaminated than delivery food so scientists think that contamination occurs during handling the outdoor food and it plays important role in infection and poisoning 

Salmonella poisoning treatment:

Salmonella treatment using medication according to symptoms. Because salmonella causes diarrhea which causing dehydration, the first step of treatment is fluid therapy and electrolytes. Also, anti-diarrheal drugs and antibiotics used in salmonella treatment.  

People at risk:

Children are more susceptible than adults and people who have a weak immune system are more susceptible also.

To avoid salmonella poisoning you should follow these four steps:

First, you should wash your hand and your cooking utensils with water and soap well.

Second, be sure that your raw food away from your cooked food to infection.

Third, cook your food well in temperature above 165 F.

And finally, keep your food in a refrigerator. 

If you are interested in microbiology courses you can start with this course Microbiology for beginners 


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